The main “weapon” of any woman is an impressive and trendy hairstyle. Today, variants are so rich in their diversity and creative approach, but the classics always remain timeless. A special place in the modern beauty industry is occupied by variations with parting. They are relevant for business women and for housewives.
The main questions to answer are:
- How to choose?
- What type of hair is better?
- The most fashionable colors?
- Types of styling?
Tips & Tricks
From a technical point of view, the separation of hair into partings is necessary to create a proper look. The division of the strands into zones allows you to make an even cut and create the necessary volume at the crown or occipital part.
There are several types of partitions:
- Vertical (from the center of the forehead to the neck). Designed to create graded hairstyles. In most cases, vertical partings are also used for men’s haircuts for short hair.
- Horizontal (ear to ear). Used to create volumetric option with a clear line edging.
- Radial (at an angle of 45 degrees to the vertical and horizontal performing. The highest place of the head and is used to create progressive hairstyles.
- Besides, some professionals claim that hair partings can be diagonal, floating and rotating. The first unite the vertical and horizontal “zones”. They are isolated to create graded strands. The result is a distinct line on the haircut.
Consider some most popular variants:
- Asymmetric Pixie
Asymmetry has been used in the beauty industry as a tool for image correction for many years. What can be corrected? – you ask! Absolutely everything: facial contours, hair structure, etc. With the help of asymmetry, you can add missing volume to the hair or, on the contrary, make the strands more docile. With side parting and elongated bangs it will be perfect. Asymmetrical elongated front strands of hair will help to correct the face oval.
- Bob with shaved temples or nape
Today professionals create real works of art. On shaved areas they create original drawings. Among examples there would be ordinary flowers, animals and birds, geometry patterns. Such solutions are also popular in the new season. Very harmonious image will be especially appropriate for the owners of fine hair. And best of all, this option is easy to lay, it does not take much time.
- Layers & “feathers”
It’s very popular among young girls. It is able to give the hair a beautiful volume and make the image attractive. Cutting hair at an angle is a major technique in the process. In particular, the strands are trimmed with a maximum graduation. They can be combined with bangs, and without them.
This year, it is fashionable to be styled with the maximum effect of hair volume.
Hope you will appreciate information in our article. And will be the star of the coming season.